Oh my goodness...LOVE this family. I've mentioned before that I have a thing for sweet southern accents...and this family did not disappoint. Soft southern drawl you could say. I always wanted that...
This session, so sweet and at the perfect time of day to add what is the best tool in my camera bag..the light. Natural sweet sunshine. I am always curious as to why photographer's would use flash in a beautiful natural setting where the sun just wraps around your client. As my Dad would say, different isn't better or worse...just different. psst...if you are a flash user I highly recommend giving that gorgeous sun a chance. ;p
Eliza, I was able to capture her sweet newborn photos and this sweet little girl has been a thing of beauty since day one. And I was so excited to capture her sweet 6 month pics! Such a delicate feminine looking baby...and the way she would giggle when Camille would tickle her toes or smile at Matt when he would lift her up...or even Brit, okay so she might have enjoyed pulling on her hair but that is a major sign of love. Brit would just smile and continue to make Eliza laugh. Oh, and if you notice that sweet ring on Eliza...that was Camille's ring when she was a little girl. Such a beautiful gift and ring to pass on to each generation.
But Brit, yes, she is pure gorgeous. Loved watching her...the way she would be so helpful or talk to her family. Really, that sweetness is what captivated me with her.
So here are a few pics from that sweet evening!