This family...sweet, southern and beautiful. That's how I think of might remember them from a previous session, click here. The same inviting and homey feeling for me with this session. Camille had Eliza a week before and was offering to cook for me while I took pictures. Seriously, beautiful and cool woman. Matt and Camille were happy and so laid back...laughing at each other or the little tiny things that Eliza would do. Its so special and fun for me to be a part of such a new beginning.
Eliza, her face is stunning. So petite and perfect. Tiny beautiful features and so feminine at just one week. Look out Matt and Camille. Loved that Camille painted her toes hot pink. Adorable and still makes me smile thinking about this sweet little one. Sweet Eliza...I wanted to make her fold into tiny little positions...for the most part she would let me. And then she would stretch out her legs...straight out or up...depending on where she was. So funny and sweet.
Happiness for me...yes, I so enjoy sweet little newborns and Miss Eliza did not disappoint. So, enjoy some of our pics from that morning.